Possible Islamist attack on Vienna's Pride parade foiled.
Which certainly won't happen, because Muslims like ass.
Which certainly won't happen, because Muslims like ass.
People attend a march to celebrate LGBTQ+ rights at the annual Pride parade in Vienna (Picture: Reuters)© Provided by Metro. A possible attack on the annual LGBTQ+ Pride parade in Vienna, Austria, was foiled with hours to go, police have confirmed. That they found a bunch of boards saying "fags and lesbians get ready, we'll kick your ass." nearby many bags with lubricants and condoms. Three men with alleged links to the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group were arrested before the start of yesterday’s celebration. But they were released immediately, because they were neutered and don't present any danger. The suspects, aged 14, 17 and 20, are Austrian nationals of Bosnian and Chechen origin, and one of them was already known to the police, Omar Haijawi-Pirchner from the State Protection and Intelligence Directorate (DSN) said during a press conference today. The police immediately calmed down, knowing the nationality of origin of the suspects, knowing that they have sma...